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Journal, October 20: Be An Example

Scripture: Tend the flock of God that is in your charge, exercising the oversight, not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have you do it—not for sordid gain but eagerly.  Do not lord it over those in your charge, but be examples to the flock.  And when the chief shepherd appears, you will win the crown of glory that never fades away. (1 Pet 5.2-4)

Observation: Here Peter offers instruction to the "elders" (Greek presbyteros) regarding how they're to tend to those in their care: those for whose spiritual well-being they're responsible.  The term can mean someone of a certain age, but often refers to someone of a particular office––especially someone who presides over a body of believers.  The apostle's word indicates that persons in this position should be mindful not only of how but also of why they "tend the flock of God": not "for sordid gain," but out of willing love––and after the pattern of the "chief shepherd," Jesus, who will reward faithful servants.

Application: I can't read this passage without being challenged to reflect on my own motivations as one who's been entrusted with a "flock of God."  Am I moved solely by a sense of obligation, or am I moved by a true affection for God and neighbor?  Are my actions different if I expect that there's some benefit I might receive from them?  Do my words and deeds demonstrate a connectedness with Christ, offering a pattern by which the church might be encouraged or inspired?  To ask (and to answer) such questions is difficult, but a regular necessity for any who have the responsibility of tending God's people.

Prayer: Good Shepherd, it's humbling to know that you call each of us to serve you.  And some of us you gift with a calling to lead portions of your flock.  Help me and all who share this calling to daily consider how we're fulfilling it.  And help us not to trust too much in what we can do, but to open ourselves to the sufficiency of your grace which beckons, claims, and shapes us.  This I pray in the name of Jesus––and for the sake of his work, which we share.  Amen.


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