One thing I’m frequently asked is what I enjoy most about serving as a pastor. Frankly, it’s difficult to pick a “favorite” aspect of the role. There are certainly some things I look forward to more than others, but one truth I’ve discovered during my almost ten years in ministry thus far is that the blessings far outweigh the hardships—and that the miraculous tends to shine even in the mundane, if I keep my heart tuned to God’s. An example of this took place not long ago as we gathered for our Singing & Communion at McKenzie Healthcare. Actually that ministry’s a high point of my month, and consistently speaks to me in some manner—often in one I wasn’t aware I needed. But that isn’t to say it’s easy. It’s quite challenging at times to be in environments where so many are struggling or hurting in some way—especially when you’ve had family members who have resided in similar facilities. It doesn’t take much for the floodgate of memories—many of which are less-than-pleasan...
"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God." -Ephesians 2.8